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Chula Vista American

Good sportsmanship, Honesty, Loyalty, Courage and Respect for Authority



The City of Chula Vista and the Sweetwater Union High School District has published health and safety protocols that we must follow, and that CVA Little League and District 42 Little League have agreed to follow.

Linked below is the Assumption of the Risk and Waiver of Liability Relating to Coronavirus/COVID-19. This is an important document that is required by Little League Baseball, District 42, and CVA Little League. Please read the Assumption of the Risk document. If you are in agreement with the waiver being granted in the Assumption of Risk document, then please sign (both parents if possible) and date the document and return to your team.
Waiver: Covid Waiver Disclaimer of Liability-d42 6.12.2020.pdf

Teams will not be allowed to practice until the parents of all participants on that team (players) have signed and returned the Assumption of Risk document for their player/child. In addition to players, all Managers, Coaches, Umpires, League officials, and visitors/spectators will be signing similar waiver documents.

Rules by Division

Tee Ball

  1. Games are 1 hour and 15 minutes.
  2. For the first 10 games outs will be verbalized but not enforced.
  3. No stacking the infield, team must spread out all players.
  4. After the 10th game a ½ inning is complete after 3 outs or 5 runs.
  5.  Balls must go further than the foul arc to be considered in play.
  6. Offensive coaches are umpires for each ½ inning.
  7. Scores are not to be kept…. There are no losers in TBALL.


  1. Games are 1 hour and 30 minutes.
  2. Five (5) runs or three (3) outs can end an inning from game 1.
  3. Sling shot machine to use from game 1, after the third pitch a tee will be placed at home plate.
  4. No stacking the infield, only regular infield positions are to be played, extra players are to be placed in the outfield.
  5. All players are in the batting order determined by the manager.
  6. Offensive coaches are umpires for each ½ inning.
  7. No coaches on the field after game 10.
  8. Scores are not to be kept…. There are no losers in CAPS.
  9. Balls must go further than the foul arc to be considered in play.
  10. Home team drags field, chalks the lines and puts out bases, visitor team drags and puts away the bases.
Minor B

  1. The focus of the division is development, scores are not kept.
  2.  No bunting or stealing allowed.
  3. 2-hour time limit.
  4. Five (5) runs or (3) outs ends a inning.
  5. Your parent’s behavior is your responsibility.
  6. Sling shot machine to be used since game 1.
  7. No pitchers in the machine circle.
  8. Balls that hit the machine are considered dead.
  9. Each batter gets 4 pitches.  He or she can strike out.  If the player watches the 4 balls go by and or misses the 4th it results in a strike out.
  10.  There are no walks when machine is in use.
  11. The first 10 games you will be allowed 4 outfielders.
  12. Be a good model for your players and always show good sportsmanship.
  13. Every home team must drag, chalk and put out the bases, visitor team must drag and put away bases.
Minor A
  1. Minor A is a division in which the focus is to develop players.
  2. Every inning will be a 3 outs or 5 runs before switching.
  3. The regular season consists of every game up until the last 5 games before the playoffs.
  4. The regular season games will be 2 hours long, do not start a new inning with 15 minutes or less left in the 2-hour period.
  5. IT IS EXPECTED, unless deemed a safety issue by the president and safety officer that each player plays an infield position at least once at every game played.
  6. The last 5 games of the regular season are known as seeding games.
  7. During the regular season and seeding games, no player shall be benched more than 1 inning.
  8. During the regular season and seeding games each player will play at least ½ of the innings in a game.
  9. During the regular season and seeding games each team will bat entire lineup.
  10. During regular season and seeding games, a catcher or pitcher must be pinch run with two outs in a inning, the pinch runner must be the last out.
  11. During the regular season no score is to be kept.
  12. During the seeding games every team will play to win as each game will count.
  13. During seeding games, playoffs and championship home team is responsible for keeping score.
  14. During playoffs, Majors rule sets will be reviewed and used.
  15. The playoffs are a double elimination tournament until the championship game.
  16. The championship will take place at closing ceremonies.

Contact Us

Chula Vista American Little League

44 East J Street 
 California 91910

Email: [email protected]

Chula Vista American Little League

44 East J Street 
 California 91910

Email: [email protected]
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